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Would you be interested in representing Oxfordshire on England Athletics Regional Council?

Submitted by Joe on

Could you play an important future role in the interface between the sport’s governing body and our county and its clubs?

At present, Alan Vincent is Oxfordshire’s representative on the Regional Council. He has served on the Council as an elected member or co-opted member since the Councils came into being. But it would be good if a new representative could take over the role within the foreseeable future, preferably through standing for election in Spring 2020 (Councils can co-opt members but must always have more elected members than co-opted).

The England Regional Councils are formed of elected and co-opted volunteers from each region. They are a key part of the structure of athletics and running in England. They form an important link between the grass roots of our sport and the England Athletics’ Board and Senior Management to ensure that the needs of our clubs are reflected in the work done by England Athletics.

The key responsibilities of the regional councils include:

  • Improving the delivery of athletics for the benefit of their member bodies in conjunction with the staff and executive officers of England Athletics

  • Representing their region’s interests within the overall national strategy framework and providing input based upon their expertise and the views of their constituents

  • Representing the interests of the club and volunteer sector of the sport through their Regional Council and through the Regional Chair via the National Council

  • Contributing to the formulation of national strategy by identifying regional priorities and bringing them to England Athletics’ attention (principally but not exclusively) via the National Council and through participating in the functional portfolio structure

  • Producing a Regional Plan, aligned to the national strategy of England Athletics, to identify key needs, opportunities, priorities and actions at regional level.

  • Assisting in the delivery, and monitoring of the implementation of the Regional Plan

  • Assisting in the dissemination of information on England Athletics national policy to stakeholders in the region

  • Assisting and working in partnership with England Athletics staff in identifying and engaging with key stakeholders in their region

  • Engaging with and supporting the role of County Athletics Associations

  • Assisting in the work of the networks especially through representation on the Regional Panels

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of national policy and its execution within the region and providing feedback to England Athletics through the National Council.

  • Assisting England Athletics’ professional staff in service delivery

  • Providing local knowledge and communication for the benefit of the sport.

  • Contributing to the Annual Volunteer Awards and highlighting examples of good practice within the sport in their area

  • Governance – including involvement in matters such as disciplinary, grievance and welfare matters, and consideration of new club affiliations, and first claim decisions.

It is important for the development of our sport that the regional councils are balanced, fully representative and inclusive, containing members from across the spectrum of athletics and running within their region. 

At present, South East Regional Council meetings are held during what are working hours for many people, typically 12.00 noon – 3.00 pm in Central London. It is realised that, regretfully, this may be a barrier to those who are neither retired nor having flexible working arrangements.

If, however, you are interested intaking on this role in the future, do please contact Alan Vincent (e-mail:, to register your interest and/or to seek further information.