Position | Holder | |
Chair | Will Atkinson | chair@ |
Vice Chair | Claire Lacey | |
Secretary | Annie Fernandez-Jones | secretary@ |
Treasurer | Hugh Morris | treasurer@ |
Track & Field Officials Secretary | Alan Vincent | |
Track & Field sub-committee | Jackie Breslin James Charles Annie Fernandez-Jones Kay Reynolds Claire Lacey Alan Vincent | |
Road Race Co-ordinator | Will Atkinson | |
Cross Country Championships Co-ordinator | Emma Gould | xcchamps@ |
Website | Joe Bibby | website@ |
Schools reps | Peter O'Keefe Alan Vincent | schools@ |
Welfare Officer | John Sear | |
General Committee | Jackie Breslin James Charles Annie Fernandez-Jones Andrew Garner Kay Reynolds Dene Stringfellow Gary Warland |
Special positions
President: Jill Slatter
Life Vice-Presidents: John Sear, Jill Slatter and Alan Vincent.
Officers and committee members are elected at the AGM.
Email addresses
Please add: oxfordshireathletics.org.uk after the @ symbol.
If the contact you are trying to reach does not have a email address listed please send your message via the Secretary.